So let’s take the Sun itself out of the equation
So if we were to take the sun away, as punishment and go against. Saying ra is the one and only true god. what would this world be like and can we survive without ra.
Well I’m not a rocket scientist but how would we grow plants for oxygen without the sun. Wouldn’t the planet be dark all the time. No more solar power or summers. Kiss those goodbye.
It’s like people fail to realize. The sun has extremely important influences on our planet: It drives weather, ocean currents, seasons, and climate, and makes plant life possible through photosynthesis. Without the sun's heat and light, life on Earth would not exist.
Religion Vs Our Sun
So let me ask you is it really that bad tp praises the sun? With out the sun we will be dead so I think thats a real god to praise if any. Religion itself is mostly just a means of control, A few can and will control the many be faith alone. How else can you explain the Catholic priests that are known for touching little boys.
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